Cloth Diaper???

Hmm…mummy now dah start meng’cloth diapering’ nabil….nightime and weekend as well…currently using Coolababy One size Diaper (got it from Neeza) at a very economic price and extremely affordable too…So far Nabil’s doing so well in his cd’s, and as he’s quite a heavy wetter, inserts mesti double lah, combination of both coolababy’s insert and freshbot’s one…and he’s to be changed at every 3 hours, oklah kan….penah sekali je leak sebab mummy lupa nak check…Since he’s doing well setakat ni, I’m considering of trying all-in-one CDs, fitted, all-in-two ke yang branded wallah-wallah pulak from US tu…buat tambah collection, hehe. So mummies out there, for me, only after trying is for me to believe…tak cuba tak tahu kan…

Types of Cloth Diaper


Cloth diapers have come a long way from the diapers your grandmother used. Today, you can find diapers that work the same way that you would use a disposable diaper at a fraction of the overall cost of disposables. You can still find the traditional cloth diapers that require folding, pins, and a cover but there are several alternatives available to fit your schedule and budget.

Prefolds and covers are the cheapest option, but it does have a bit more of a learning curve and is slightly more time consuming. Prefolds are basic cloth diapers that have been designed to easily fold into thirds to create a thick, rectangular shape. A waterproof diaper cover is worn over the top to prevent leaks and hold the diaper in place.

Pocket diapers are exactly what they sound like. They are diapers that work very similar to disposable diapers. They generally use Velcro or snaps to close and are easy for grandparents or daycare providers to use (although in many states, daycare providers are not allowed to use cloth diapers). Inside the diaper is a cloth pocket that allows you to customize the diaper to your baby’s needs by providing light padding for younger babies and extra padding for older baby’s or night time use.

All-in-One diapers are designed to work exactly the way disposable diapers do. The cover and insert is combined to simplify the process and there are no extra steps required before diapering your baby. All-in-one diapers are the most expensive option and they take the longest amount of time to dry.

Many diapers offer one size fits all options that let you adjust the diaper to your baby’s size. This prevents having to buy several sets of diapers as your baby grows and can save you quite a bit of money.






Huh …Lega. At last…

Salam mummies and friends…..akhirnya dapat juga i jenguk blog ni setelah hampir 2 weeks tak ada masa langsung nak update…banyak juga sebenarnya nak cerita tentang kerja, schooling kat ukm, assignments, kisah nabil tumbuh gigi sebatang, demam n selsemanya lagi…huh..dulu2 time bujang and nabil belum lahir, rasanya masa banyak terbuang, yelah, lapang takda apa nak buat, but now, if i don’t manage time wisely, memang banyakla kerja tertangguh and i akan ketinggalan. nak pump susu pun memang payah la nak dapat consistent every 2,3 hours….dahla susu memang kerap nye merudum sekarang…memang kena cari course time management gini nih! dan yang paling penting, i taknakla terlepas masa-masa penting i bersama hubby and baby dek kesibukan kerja and study dan sebab tak pandai nak bahagikan masa…thank you so much hubby, sebab banyak tolong mummy handle matters kat rumah and tolong handle anak juga…love u!

School Holiday…

School holiday is around the corner…guess…another 1 month and a half until the big hit of holiday!! Yippiey!!!!

A big hooray for mummy, for Nabil and for hubby too (time ni le mummy ada peluang masak2 beria tau)…

Holiday…We haven’t plan anything yet but as usual, the only place mummy will stay for holiday…is of course the best spot would be Nenek and Atok’s house in Pahang  (LOVE U MUM n DAD!!!) Huh! Lupa, Atok n Nenek nak gi holiday Jakarta this coming cuti…(JELES)

I think me and Daddy would better start planning for a great vacation before Nabil starts schooling, cause once he start school, it would be a new chapter for us…

All I had in mind is going for a holiday to Bukit Tinggi (never been there…huhu) That would be a great place to be, very privacy, quiet and chilly weather, sejuk gitu…Unless Daddy nak surprise Mummy n Nabil…g abroad ke…???? Lama dah tak jalan nih..pasport Mummy lama tak gerak tuh..Daddy kita g Tokyo semula nak?? nak bawak Nabil g Tokyo Disneyland ler……..

Heaven Raya..Heaven Mummy

The 1 week break for raya was heavenly la…And or that exclusive one week, I was hardly cooked at all only that I was helping mum preparing dishes for raya… and layan Nabil all the time… No routine chores, no classes, no studying and assignments, and no tiring moments at school..(sigh…bila la dapat resign ni…) Now I am back to Bangi and back to routine… Oh…I wish or a FOREVER RAYA lah…(hubby, mummy nak jadi fulltime housewife boleh ke…???)


Retail RM999…. (SOLD TO SYA!!! HOPE U LL LOVE IT…)

Blue colour, 4 recline positions, front swivels, rear facing and forward facing, light, 4.25 kg aluminium frame

Bought around APRIL 2008.



3 recline positions. Suitable from 3 months. Aluminium frame. Forward facing only. Lightweight 6kg.Retail RM849



Retail RM169. Suitable from newborn to 3 years. Rear facing and forward facing. SOLD TO REEN!!