Ubat untuk selsema berpanjangan

Sudah tentunya rata2 parents sedang diserang wabak kerisauan kerana anak2 yang diserang selsema. Perkara ni bermusim dan ada juga parents yang risau sepanjang tahun kerana anak2 asik dok berulang ke klinik. Dan tak sah la pulak kalau doktor bagi ubat yang bermacam2 kaler dan rasa. Macam gula2 pulak.

Bagi yang dah jemu makan ubat, ada satu petua orang tua2 bagi yang dah lupa.

Apa dia?

Kunyit je.

Ambil kunyit kat belakang rumah. Kalau dah takde tu jangan segan2 beli kat kedai. Maksudnya yang segar & fresh lah bukan yang serbuk kunyit buat goreng ikan.

Lenyekkan kunyit tu dan sapukan dia kat dahi anak yang selsema.

InsyaAllah selsema berenti. Bukan ubat ye tapi kunyit tu merangsang pemberhentian selsema. Sebenarnya yang di panggil ubat dari klinik tu pun bukan ubat cuma ianya membantu mengurangkan selsema.


More tips bagi elakkan selsema berpanjangan

Petua waktu subur wanita dan kitaran haid

Selalunya petua waktu subur wanita dan kitaran haid ni penting bagi mereka yang ingin cepat hamil atau mengandung.

Tapi pernahkah anda dengar berkenaan dengan “Unexplained Infertility”? Atau dalam bahasa kita ia dikenali sebagai ketidakkesuburan yang tidak dapat dikenal pasti.

Ada satu cerita, satu pasangan telah berkahwin lebih dari 2 tahun dan mereka masih belum dikurniakan zuriat. Tetapi mereka ini mempunyai system pembiakan yang normal malah pengeluaran ovum dan sperma juga adalah normal.

Mereka juga tiada sebarang penyakit seperti plycystic ovari sindrom (PCOS) ataupun kanser servik ataupun masalah kitaran haid. Mereka normal sahaja tetapi tidak dapat hamil.

Jika anda mengalami masalah ini, doktor akan mengesyorkan kaedah IUI (intra uterine insemination). Dan ia amat memerlukan kos yang tinggi.

Tetapi bagi saya, itu adalah jalan yang terakhir. Sebenarnya ada lagi cara yang perlu anda lakukan sebelum melangkah melakukan kaedah tersebut.

Anda perlu optimumkan kesuburan anda. Kawal pemakanan, jangan stress dan sentiasa mengambil multivitamin. Walaupun perkara ini nampak temeh remeh dan macam tidak membantu, tetapi sedarkah anda bahawa dengan memakan megi sahaja anda sudah menganggu kesuburan anda.

Dalam megi terdapat kandungan perisa (dalam bentuk serbuk) yang mampu menganggu sistem pembiakkan anda.

Begitu juga dengan makanan segera yang lain seperti KFC ataupun Mcdonald. Makanan tersebut mengandungi banyak lemak yang tidak baik. Lemak ini bukan sahaja boleh ’menggemukkan’ badan tetapi ia secara tidak langsung boleh menggangu perubahan hormon pembiakkan anda.

Setiap orang mempunyai tahap kesuburan yang berbeza. Jadi sebagai langkah keselamatan, makanan-makanan segera ini perlu dijauhi. Walaupun kita tahu yang kawan kita dah makan bermacam-macam makanan segera tetapi tetap juga mengandung, tiada masalah pun. Jangan ikut mereka – kerana tahap kesuburan orang berbeza-beza. Mungkin kita lebih sensitif kepada bahan seperti itu jadi penjagaan kesuburan pun perlu kepada kawalan yang lebih ketat.

Klik sini untuk ketahui petua kesuburan wanita dan kaitannya dengan kitaran haid anda.

Birthday Present Idea Malaysia

Finding the Perfect Birthday Present Idea?

Click here to look for Birthday Present Idea Malaysia

By Robert Yates

Finding a suitable birthday present can be difficult but there are ways to discover the ideal gift. The choice will depend mainly on the interests and characteristics of the recipient. A wide range of presents and price levels for all ages are available.

Ideas for children’s birthday presents can be easier than those for gifts for adults. Toyshops are full of possibilities for younger children although you have to be careful to choose gifts suitable for their ages and abilities.

The bicycle remains a firm favourite as a child’s birthday present. For those too young to cope with two wheels, ride-on pedal-driven toy tractors and other vehicles are great fun.

Special interest gifts go down well. Fishing tackle or other sports equipment provides plenty of birthday present ideas. Lessons in sporting or leisure activity skills could be a good choice as long as you’re sure this would be welcomed enthusiastically.

For a birthday boy or girl of older years, jewellery and watches provide plenty of choice. Of course, these can also make great gifts for adults. Finding a perfect birthday present for an adult can be complicated, though – often the problem is that he or she already seems to have everything you think of. Plenty of websites provide suggestions for birthday gifts and the opportunity to order them online.

Practical, consumable presents may suit some people. These include luxurious brands of food, wine, perfume and make-up. Vouchers for a restaurant meal or a special purchase of another luxurious treat may appeal.

Theatre or concert tickets fall into the same category but need to be chosen carefully to match the recipient’s taste and preferences. This present is one you could share as a memorable experience together followed by a meal at a restaurant.

Other birthday treat ideas include a day or weekend experience. For adventurous types consider a hang-gliding lesson or balloon ride – but you don’t have to go with them this time!

Less risky experience gifts include various types of sailing and boating, horse riding and vouchers for a special pampering body treatment. Birthday presents such as these create unforgettable memories, and ones which will always be associated with you.

Many of the above ideas can be found and actioned on appropriate websites, with tickets or gifts being delivered to you or to the recipient as a surprise birthday present.

A magazine subscription associated with a particular interest is a thoughtful lower-cost birthday present idea.

And another way to keep the price under control is to make a present yourself. If you are good at arts and crafts, use your skills to make a birthday gift that’s personalised in some way. You will know what appeals to your friend or relative and the time and effort that goes into a piece of jewellery, knitting or needlework can be greatly appreciated.

Someone with woodwork or do-it-yourself skills might consider carving a wooden ornament or constructing a present. A table lamp decorated with a lampshade bearing meaningful images and symbols would make an appealing personalised present.

Using photographs to make a calendar, collage or framed picture, designed as a reminder of good times together, is another low-cost way to make a gift. A computer with suitable software could be used to do this. Alternatively, take your photographs to a high street print shop to have them mounted professionally.

Birthday present ideas can help you shop for your loved ones. Find out more about shopping for unique gifts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Yates

Click here to look for Birthday Present Idea Malaysia

Chicco Travel System Sale

For parent who are looking for chicco travel system sale then you are reading the right article and I will show you where to purchase one.

Is chicco travel system a product on the market today that stands out as the absolute best stroller a parent can get? The simple answer is no, but in other words it depends on exactly what you are searching for. There are many excellent brands putting out the best products from the most basic lightweight stroller to more advanced travel systems with the full range of features and benefits.

For those who want the full advantage of luxurious comfort and convenience and are not too concerned with a compact folded size, the Chicco Cortina stroller is a must see. This brand is well known for high quality, durable baby products that serve parents and baby with highly padded comfort. With the chicco travel system sale ongoing now, it makes worth your money if you decided to have one.

The Chicco Cortina KeyFit 30 Travel System stroller is the total package, allowing you to quickly transfer your baby from the car or home directly into the stroller without lifting your little one from the seat. This is not the lightest or smallest stroller out there, but it is very easy to steer for its size and offers a very smooth, comforting ride for baby. The convenience of directly transferring the car seat is a perk many parents value more than a lighter weight.

There’s a very good reason this car seat, rated the SAFEST by Consumer Reports, doesn’t fit on a grocery cart – it isn’t supposed to. Car seats were never intended to fit on grocery carts and are extremely dangerous if used in this fashion. Many of you will be saying “Hey, nothing ever happened to my baby when I did it with such and such car seat!” But how many of you make your kids wear their seat belts even though you’ve never been in an accident? It’s just common sense.

To parent who have decided chicco travel system is the best for their babies and want to get chicco travel system sale, you can purchase it at chicco travel system sale page.