Its not German Measle, but it s ACUTE URTICARIA


Sila bace..

Acute urticaria is a condition where an itchy rash suddenly develops. The rash may be triggered by an allergy, or by another factor such as heat or exercise. In most cases the rash lasts 24-48 hours and is not serious (BBUT MY BABY BOY HAD BAAAD RASHES ALL OVER HIS BODY!). You may not require any treatment, but antihistamines can ease the symptoms until the rash clears.

This type of urticaria can occur with anaphylaxis – a severe allergic response leading to difficulty in breathing and possible death.

What is acute urticaria?

Urticaria (sometimes called hives) is an itchy rash caused by tiny amounts of fluid that leak from blood vessels just under the skin surface. Urticaria is classed as:

  • Acute urticaria – if it develops suddenly and lasts less than six weeks. Most cases last 24-48 hours.(NABIL HAD IT FOR 5 DAYS ALREADY!) About 1 in 6 people will have at least one bout of urticaria in their life. It can affect anyone at any age. Some people have recurring bouts of acute urticaria.(DOC SAID IT MITE HAPPENS AGAIN!)
  • Chronic urticaria – if it persists longer than six weeks. (Chronic means persistent or ongoing.) This is uncommon.NAUZUBILLAH!

This rest of this leaflet deals only with acute urticaria. There is a separate leaflet for information about chronic urticaria.

An identifiable cause for the problem is rarely found.

What does the rash of acute urticaria look like?

The rash usually appears suddenly and can affect any area of skin. Small raised areas called weals develop on the skin. The weals look like mild blisters and they are itchy. Each weal is white or red and is usually surrounded by a small red area of skin which is called a flare. The ‘weal and flare’ rash of urticaria looks similar to the rash caused by a nettle sting.(NABIL TAKLEH TIDO MALAM..MENGGARU NON STOP!SEDIH SGT TENGOK DIA GARU SAMPAI LUKA, SO AKU PAKAIKAN DIA BAND TANGAN KASI TUTUP KUKU TAKUT LEBIH LUKA)

The weals are commonly 1-2 cm across but can vary in size. There may be just a few but sometimes many develop over various parts of the body. Sometimes weals next to each other join together to form larger ones. The weals can be any shape but are often circular. As a weal fades, the surrounding flare remains for a while. This makes the affected area of skin look blotchy and red. The blotches then fade gradually and the skin returns to normal.(RUPA DIA MCM KENA ULAT BULU, TAPI LAAAGI TERUK.BENGKAK MATA SAMPAI TUTUP BIJI MATA!)

Each weal usually lasts less than 24 hours. However, as some fade away, others may appear. It can then seem as if the rash is moving around the body. The rash may appear quite dramatic if many areas of skin are suddenly affected.(DOC PESAN INCASE NAIK RASH OR ADA FEVER LAGI LESS THAN A MONTH NI, TERUS DIRECT KE WARD  SEKARANG DAN URGE FOR A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY)

Are there any other symptoms?

  • Most people with acute urticaria do not feel ‘ill’, but the appearance of the rash and the itch can be troublesome.(TAPI BAGI BABY MCM NABIL, MEMANG MENDA NI TROUBLESOME..SETENGAH BUDAK TU DOC KATA ADA YG JADIK BERAIR DAN BERBAU,TU YG AKU BALUT FINGERS DIA TIME DIA MENGGARU,)
  • In some cases a condition called angio-oedema develops at the same time as urticaria. In this condition some fluid also leaks into deeper tissues under the skin which causes the tissues to swell.
    • The swelling of angio-oedema can occur anywhere in the body but most commonly affects the eyelids, lips and genitals.
    • Sometimes the tongue and throat are affected and become swollen. The swelling sometimes becomes bad enough to cause difficulty breathing.
    • Symptoms of angio-oedema tend to last longer than urticarial weals. It may take up to three days for the swollen areas to subside and go.
  • A variation called ‘vasculitic urticaria’ occurs in a small number of cases. In this condition the weals last more than 24 hours, they are often painful, may become dark red, and may leave a red pigmented mark on the skin when the weal goes.

What causes acute urticaria?

A ‘trigger’ causes cells in the skin to release chemicals such as histamine. The chemicals cause fluid to leak from tiny blood vessels under the skin surface. The fluid pools to form weals. The chemicals also cause the blood vessels to open wide (dilate) which causes the flare around the weals. The trigger is not identified in about half of cases. Some known triggers include:

  • Allergies – for example:
    • Food allergies such as allergies to nuts, strawberries, citrus fruit, egg, food additives, spices, chocolate, or shellfish. Sometimes you can develop an allergy to a food even if you have eaten it without any problem many times before.
    • Allergies to insect bites and stings.
    • Allergies to medicines such as penicillin, aspirin, anti-inflammatory painkillers, etc.
  • A viral infection such as a cold or ‘flu can trigger an urticarial rash in some people. (You ‘react’ to the virus.) A mild viral infection which causes few other symptoms is probably a common trigger of an urticarial rash that develops without an apparent cause.
  • Skin contact with ‘sensitizers’ causes a local area of urticaria in some people. For example, chemicals, latex, cosmetics, plants, ointments, nettle stings, etc.
  • Physical urticaria. This is when a localised rash appears when the the skin is physically stimulated. The most common is called dermographism when a rash develops over areas of skin which are firmly stroked. Sometimes an urticarial rash is caused by heat, cold, emotion, exercise, or strong sunlight. See separate leaflet called ‘Physical Urticarias’.

It is is fairly common and occurs with exercise, sweating, or any activity that leads to a warming of the core body temperature such as warm or hot baths or showers. (aku wonder juga adakah mandi water heater yg buat Nabil dapat menda ni..tapi doc kata it could be resulted from VARIOUS UNKNOWN factors)

Is acute urticaria serious?

Usually not. The rash is itchy but normally fades within a day or so and causes no harm. Most people with acute urticaria do not feel too unwell unless they have a cold or ‘flu that is triggering the rash. The cause of the rash is not known in more than half of cases and it is commonly a ‘one-off’ event.

However, urticaria may be more serious in the following situations.

  • Food allergy. If a food allergy is the cause then the rash is likely to return each time you eat the particular food. This is more often a ‘nuisance’ than serious.
  • Severe allergies. People who have a severe allergic reaction to peanuts, insect stings, etc, often have an urticarial rash as one of the symptoms. This is in addition to other symptoms such as severe angio-oedema, breathing difficulties, collapse, etc. A severe allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis. But note: most people with acute urticaria feel well and do not have anaphylaxis.
  • Chronic urticaria. This means the rash keeps coming and going on most days for six weeks or longer. This is uncommon. See separate leaflet called ‘Chronic Urticaria’.

What is the treatment for acute urticaria?

  • Often no treatment is necessary as the rash commonly goes within 24-48 hours.
  • A cool bath or shower may ease the itch.
  • Antihistamine tablets can ease symptoms. Antihistamines block the action of histamine which is involved in causing urticaria. You can get antihistamines on prescription. You can also buy them from pharmacies. There are several brands. The pharmacist will advise.
    • Modern brands usually work well and are unlikely to cause side-effects. They sometimes cause drowsiness – particularly if you drink alcohol.
    • Older brands will often make you drowsy – but this effect may be welcome at bedtime if itch is troublesome.
  • If you can identify a ‘trigger’ such as a food, then it would be sensible to avoid it in the future.
  • A short course of steroid tablets is sometimes prescribed in severe cases to help reduce swelling in the skin.

If you have a severe episode of urticaria then you may be referred to specialist (immunologist or dermatologist). In particular, if angio-oedema or anaphylaxis occurred at the same time. This is to confirm the diagnosis, and where possible, to identify a cause. For example, if a nut allergy is suspected to have caused a severe episode then this can confirmed by tests. You may then be given advice on how to avoid the cause, and on what to do if it should occur again.

German Measles

Nabil dapat german measle la pulok..sejak stop terus breastfeed nih, mcm 2 le kena..dulu takat selsema demam bese yg heavy2 manjang..aritu chicken poxla, sakit matale, ni measle pulak..aku risau baby dlm perut ni je…baru g scan,doc pun tak sure nampak ‘bird’ baby ke nampak tali pusat..kene 3d scan le baru clear..tunggu next month a cukup 6 blan baru scan pulak..apapun gendernya nanti, aku cuma harap dia lengkap sempurna sifatnya dan sihat tubuh badan sudahla…yang penting dia dan Nabil sihat walafiat, amin.Korang pun doadoakan ya..

ps: to ealyie..aku nak baby sehat cam baby mirza gak..and nabil sayang adik dia cam iris gak..

ni some notes about GM :

Rubella (German Measles)

Rubella (German measles) is a mild childhood illness that poses a serious threat to the fetus (unborn baby) if the mother contracts the illness during the first or second trimester of pregnancy.More than 20,000 babies in the United States were born with birth defects during an outbreak of rubella in 1964 to 1965 (1). The same outbreak also resulted in at least 10,000 miscarriages and stillbirths (1).

Fortunately, rubella has been largely eliminated in the United States (2). A vaccine for rubella became available in 1969. Since then, children have been routinely vaccinated, helping to prevent the spread of the illness to susceptible pregnant women. Most women of childbearing age are immune to rubella because they either were vaccinated or had the illness during childhood. Because of widespread use of the vaccine, birth defects caused by rubella have become rare in the United States (only four cases were reported between 2001 and 2004, which resulted from imported infections) (2).

Rubella remains widespread in many countries, however, and travelers continue to bring cases into this country. For this reason, the potential for susceptible pregnant women to become infected does exist. About 10 percent of women of childbearing age in the United States are susceptible to rubella (3). Women can protect their future children from the effects of rubella by getting tested for immunity before pregnancy and getting vaccinated if they are not immune.

What is rubella?
Rubella is a mild, contagious illness caused by a virus. It is characterized by a rash, swollen glands and, especially in adults, joint pain. The rash usually lasts about three days and may be accompanied by a low-grade fever. Up to half of infected individuals have no symptoms at all (1).

What risks does rubella pose for the fetus?
Babies whose mothers contract rubella during pregnancy are often born with one or more birth defects that, together, are called congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). Maternal infection (1, 3):

  • In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy results in birth defects in up to 85 percent of cases
  • From 13 to 16 weeks of gestation results in birth defects in 54 percent of cases
  • At the end of the second trimester results in birth defects in 25 percent of cases

These include eye defects (often resulting in blindness), hearing impairment, abnormalities of the heart, mental retardation, and a few rare disorders. The infection also causes miscarriage and stillbirth.

Some infected babies appear normal at birth and during infancy. However, all babies whose mothers had rubella during pregnancy should be monitored carefully because problems with vision, hearing, learning and behavior may first become noticeable during childhood (1). Children with CRS also are at increased risk for diabetes (1).

How are babies with CRS treated?
There is no specific treatment for CRS. Certain problems that are common in the newborn period (such as blood and liver abnormalities) usually go away without treatment. Other individual birth defects (such as eye or heart defects) sometimes can be corrected or at least improved with early surgery. Babies with hearing or vision loss may benefit from special education programs that provide early stimulation and build communication and learning skills. Children with mental retardation also may benefit from early special education.

How can a woman find out if she is immune to rubella?
A simple blood test can determine whether a person is immune to rubella. The blood test shows whether a person has virus-fighting substances called antibodies in the blood. Rubella antibodies are produced by people who have had the infection or were vaccinated against it.

Can CRS be prevented?
The March of Dimes recommends that:

  • All women be tested for immunity to rubella before they become pregnant
  • They consider being vaccinated if they are not immune

A nonimmune woman can be vaccinated with the rubella vaccine alone or with the combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, to protect her future children from CRS.

Women who were not tested before pregnancy are routinely tested during an early prenatal visit. If a pregnant woman is not immune, she should avoid anyone who has rubella. If a susceptible pregnant woman is exposed to rubella, she should contact her health care provider. The provider may treat her with a shot of immune globulin to attempt to reduce her risk of infection, though it is not known how effective this approach may be in preventing rubella in mother or baby (3).

Pregnant women who are not immune should be vaccinated after delivery, so that they will be immune during any future pregnancies (1, 3). A woman who is breastfeeding her baby can safely be vaccinated (3).

The rubella and MMR vaccines are not recommended during pregnancy. A woman should wait 28 days after vaccination before she attempts to conceive (4).

Can being vaccinated against rubella around the time of conception harm the fetus?
Babies of women who are inadvertently vaccinated around the time of conception are unlikely to be harmed by the vaccine. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) studied 226 women who were vaccinated with the currently used form of the vaccine from three months before to three months after they conceived (4). None of the women’s babies had birth defects that resembled the defects that rubella causes. However, the CDC continues to recommend postponing conception for 28 days after vaccination because there is theoretically a very small risk of fetal harm.

Who else should be vaccinated?
All children should be vaccinated against rubella unless there is a medical reason why they should not be. Widespread vaccination of children helps prevent the spread of this illness to others, especially pregnant women.

The first vaccine dose is routinely given at 12 to 15 months of age in combination with the measles and mumps vaccines. A child should not receive the first dose of MMR before 12 months of age. Before 12 months, a baby still has some of his mother’s antibodies, which can interfere with the vaccine and keep it from working. A second dose of MMR is given at age 4 to 6 years.

Vaccination of teenagers or adults in colleges, workplaces, hospitals (staff and volunteers) or military bases helps prevent outbreaks in those areas. The CDC recommends that all health care workers who are not immune be vaccinated to protect patients from infection (1). Susceptible women of childbearing age also should consider being vaccinated before traveling abroad, as rubella is widespread in many countries.


Sesungguhnye,aku tak suka rumah aku terlalu padat dengan barang-barang, that would be the best reason why I ll let go things that no longer needed in the house/ even if I ll be needing it in the future, I d rather let it go first just to have some space inside the house, only then i ll buy a new one when it s needed..ngeeeeeeeee(teruk kan)Sebolehnya aku nak dalam rumah tu lapang selapang lapangnye…lainle kalau aku duk banglo, memang spacious habis la kan..Macam perabotla juga, apa yg ada now cuma satu set sofa 3,2,1 seater, a coffee table, set meja makan, sebijik lemari kasut dan kitchen cabinet..takde bunga-bunga hias bagai, takde floor lamp etc yang pada aku cantik habis tapi semakkan umah pun ye gak, takde kapet2 bagai since Nabil pun takle nak habuk2, kapet yang ada pun ngam2 je size coffee table dan depan tv kitorg taruk tikar yg sesangatle selesanya…

Ok back to the minimalism, the issue is, insyaallah i ll be giving birth to my second child next May…we have only one queen bed in master bedroom, and for Nabil, it would be either his babycot(previously) or the ‘lembek’ and comforters on the floor. As i ll be staying maybe around fortnight kat bangi, i might be needing a single bed as my confinement bed kat tingkat bawah…and am planning to get would be either a divan and headboard set just like what we are having now, or this…………(which i think MUCH MUCH MUCH  cheaper and agak wallah di mata akuler!)

it s available at Ik3a..and they r selling it at a very afordable price compared to a divan and head board set..

dia mcm 2 in 1 la, kalau duk kat tingkat bawah, boleh jd tempat duduk since sedara mara ramai dtg bertandang sesekali, sianla nengok melepek je atas lantai sebab sofa dah penuh, dan kalau naikkan ke tingkat atas, confirm jadik katil…eventho anak aku anak lelaki, takde masalah pun nak pakai nih hehe..ok pe

ps: aku suker nengok org Jepun nye umah yg kosong-kosong tu, memang spacious dan selesa habis…kalo dorg ada gempa bumi pun senang nak lari kuar…kalerpun putih cream cerah-cerah je…takde nak padat2 sgt..well, it s up to oneself, sendirik punye rumah, sendirik punye citarase le kan…

bak kate my mum time dtg bertandang ke rumahku syurgaku..’ begema suare Mi becakap, rumah awak kosong sangat……..’ hehehe


Lepas Asar kitorang jenjalan Alamende…sesambil tengok barang kat dalam Kafu, sambil beli meinan Nabil kat ToiCity: abah beli set truck ngan kete.. gantikan kete sport yang dah rosak hancur dikerjekan Nabil, sesambil dinner kat Nudel Station..makan mee le anak beranak kat situ..abah Nabil bawak Nabil main jap kat playland tepi Paksen tu, huh, sesungguhn ye Nabil over action sunggoh time main kat situ…seme menda nak test..inile akibatnye kalo budak jarang bawak kuar outdoor..asek terperap je kat umah, kat nursery…hehe, so bile sesekali kuor, haruslah dia berkobar main tak ingat dunia…adoile anak…

ps: gambo tak ambik langsung..takde mood nak begambo..

HITAMS kami dah sampai..yeeaaaaaaaa

Si hitam manis Nabil dan si hitam manis mummy dah sampai kat umah..weekend nanti baru upload gambo yeah..hitam manis mummy tak jd juai sebab bila dapat kat tangan, it s absolutely georgeous!!!!

Hehe…sorry pada kak  ‘Rozi’ yang nak book bag tu..

ps: kalo aku ambik lagi satu yang sebijik pattern mcm ni tapi bronze atau mahogany kaler ok tak???hehe

ngam ngam je size tak besar tak kecik…kalo masuk netbook still ada ruang lg dalam nih..

tak sabar tunggu yg kaler pink tu sampai mesia

sibukle abang kecik ni heret blackie dia depan tv..nak suap nasi pun duk atas zapp depan tv takmo duk highchair..


pun hitam legam..hasben kate ‘MAMI, CAM TERBAKOR LE’

while mami thinks s not that tempting aaa irl sebab all blackie hehe,kena add some kaler sikit baru nampak CERIA!

tengok upinipin pun lepak atas seat zapp..

ps:tapi kurase,,kalau black frame dengan seat kaler ‘ORIENT 2009’ nye mesti lagi cun..kan merah itam berlawan kalernye…nggeee