Peg Skate 2010 and Vela 2010 – Stroller

Td jenjalan tengok strollers kat Planete E3Nfants/Chico/Bebe*Haus and settle payment for new zapp, tengok menda ni, dan then dpt sms from Aida a friend, saying that there ll be new Peg Perego Skate in 2010…huhuhu…it ll be 10 kilos lighter than the one we are having in the market (jaauuuh ringan tu), and the price is in the range yang boleh dipertimbangkan sekiranya mummy jimat2 apa yg tak patut beli..hehe..but thinking back, what had happened to my Phil n Teds yang dah let go, it was 9.5 kilos, still rase cam susah nak handle…(luckily it s sold at a very acceptable price and gave a win-win situation to both seller-buyer )plus, the bulky frame itself, boot keteku ngam ngam choi je kalau dia masuk….tapi this new Peg Skate…uissh, tempting lah…tak berani nak ckp byk, lum tau apa future purchase nye nanti…hikhikhik..(sah kena balun dgn encik HASBEN)So for now, just cuci mate ye


pic credit:

ps: to AIDA..cun kan nih..tapi I must consider the frame size gak a dear

Yang ni lak Vela…supplier kate kena check credibility dulu, tp yg ni level2 zapp jugak katenye..ringan, recline, can convert jadik travel system(tapi aku suka zapp + cabrio lagi kot). Fabric kat seat dia tatau la ok ke tdk, kalau mcm PEG SI yg kaler plain tu, dia macam kering je…tapi yg ni murah gak a…less rm1k kot

colours of Vela

Go to here for more varieties:

Towards 2010 year Im going year older..and so does everybody..and I m sure that everybody has a goal to reach in life…be it a long term goal to accomplished and be it a short term one to be achieved based on day to day live…

As a FTWM + PTSM(note:part time studying mama) I m hoping for next year to be cherisher and more bless for me …in my career, study and my maternal part as a mother to a lovely son (insyaallah another s coming soon)…and to be a better wife to HUBBY as well, cook more, bake more, errr..spend more on baby stuff as I m going to have another addition next year??hehe..OK OK I promise I ll be saving up more next year

What s going on one has any idea on that…just hoping that life is much more granted by God, rahmah and barakah in day to day business and more guidance and hidayah from Him…Please bless my family ya Allah.Amin.